Category Archives: General

Items that do not fit in other categories

Round-off Error

Round-off errors – not the kind of thing the average consumer spends much time worrying about. As an engineer, I was always taught to avoid round-off errors. While developing numerical modeling algorithms (hey, it pays well!), I had to be very careful to make sure round-off errors didn’t unexpectedly bite me in the butt when I wasn’t looking (though sometimes they did anyway). So I was a bit surprised (and a bit disappointed) to see a creative use of round-off error in my own kitchen – a use designed to misinform the average Joe.

Or Jane. The kind of person who thinks statistics are just for sports fanatics and fantasy football freaks. I was using a can of Pam – you know, that spray-on oil for the few people left who don’t own Teflon pans. Now Pam (or any of the many similar products) has exactly two ingredient: vegetable oil and propellant. The propellant is of negligible quantity, so basically it is a can of 100% oil. So I was surprised to see on the nutritional label that a serving of Pam contains 0 calories, 0 grams of fat, and 0% of its calories from fat. So how can a product that is effectively 100% fat be, in fact, fat free?

Round-off error. It seems that the people who regulate these labels decided that it is OK to round to the nearest 1 gram. Thus, if a serving has 2.3 grams of fat, they can just say 2 grams on the label. 12.6 becomes 13. And if the amount of fat, measured in grams, is less than 0.5? Well, you round it down to zero. So if the product is 100% fat, how can the amount of fat be less than 0.5 grams? Why, just make the serving size less than 0.5 grams! By rounding, it has exactly zero of everything! One serving of Pam is a 1/3 second spray, which makes the serving size conveniently less than 0.5 grams.

One-third of a second. I tried this, but I think fast Pam sprays are a young man’s sport. I couldn’t move my finger up and down fast enough to get less than a 3/4 second of spray. Maybe there’s a technique. But anyway, you can see how, through creative rounding, the label was allowed to say 0 grams of fat. That’s bad enough, but what REALLY gets me is the claim that Pam has 0% of its calories from fat! What is zero divided by zero, anyway? According to many high school math students, and ConAgra Foods, the makers of Pam, the answer is zero. Of course, some of us were taught that math works a little differently than that (I won’t go into L’Hopital’s rule, or that you should round your answer only after you have completed all of your calculations). You don’t need a math degree to see that the correct answer, in this case, is 100%, not 0%.

So there you have it. Round-off error biting the average consumer in the butt (which, by the way, may get a little bigger if you take the nutritional label of Pam at face value). I’m glad I paid attention in math class.

Supreme Court Roundup

I have a cousin named Kevin Russell. He’s about five years younger than me, but we grew up close to each other (in lovely Kalamazoo, Michigan) and spent a lot of time playing at each others’ houses as kids. I remember one day he gave my brother and I a Time magazine, pointing to paintings of naked women is the art review section. I was probably 10 years old at the time, and thought that was the funniest thing in the world. Kevin kept asking why we were laughing, but that just made us double up and laugh even harder. That quizzical look on his face is how I will always picture him.

I moved away when I was fifteen, but have heard about what Kevin has been up to, seen him at family gatherings – the usual stuff. He did well in college, even better at law school, clerked for a Supreme Court justice, and then went to work for the Justice Department. When he couldn’t stand another day there, he started his own practice.

Yesterday, Kevin argued his first case before the Supreme Court. Wow. It was a pay discrimination case, involving the Civil Rights Act, statue of limitations, and other legalistic stuff that I’m sure is important but don’t quite understand myself. My little cousin has done well for himself, and of course his whole family is proud. But that doesn’t mean I won’t always think of him as that little five year old with the innocent question-mark-of-a-face looking at me as if I were the fool that in fact I was.

Congratulations, Kevin. Keep doing the right thing – we need people like you.

Vote today

It’s time to go to the poles and cast your vote. And be glad you can.

They don’t much teach this in our myth-building junior high history classes, but for the first 50 years of this country, only about 15% of the adult population had the right to vote (white, male property owners). Black men nominally recieved the right to vote with their emancipation during the Civil War, but they were largely denied that right until the passage of the Voting Rights Act 41 years ago. Women got the right to vote in 1920. The universal right for adults to participate in American democracy occurred in my lifetime. I don’t take it for granted.

It’s True – I am a Wimp

After my last post (about snow in Indiana), my wife made it very clear: “You are a wimp,” she said. Ok, I admit it.

Last week was fall break at Notre Dame (like spring break, but in the fall – an idea that all institutions of higher learning should seriously consider). It snowed in South Bend the day before I left for a week back home in Austin. It snowed in South Bend the day after I got back this week. In Austin, during my fall break visit, it got up to 92F. I may be a weather wimp, but it doesn’t take a genius to figure out which of those two weather patterns is the more desirable. I’m happy to leave six months of cold to those who are tougher and more fool-hardy than I.

Oktoberfest in Indiana, 25 Years Later

The year was 1981, the place a southern-Indiana Oktoberfest-like event, whose main characteristics were the oft repeated Chicken Dance, a lousy oompah-pah band, and vast quantities of bad beer in a bucket. There were many women present, but none paid any attention to me (I don’t remember this explicitly, but that was the default situation for me and I am quite confident it was true this night as well). It was the start of my senior year of college, and despite over three years of practice I couldn’t hold my liquor worth a darn (a deficiency I have since overcome). And yet in spite of all of these obvious reasons to feel dejected, I had a good time.

For reasons that defy logic, my friend (I’ll call him Z) asked me to retrieve his car at the end of the evening with another friend (nickname: Darth) in tow. The two of us walked the lonely mile through the parking lot and found the car, and my straightforward assignment was to drive it to the fairgrounds gate to pick up Z and whoever he might have picked up. It was a simple task – I had no premonition that things would go terribly wrong.

As we drove through the parking lot, somehow I found myself traveling at a slightly excessive speed. Maybe I was unused to the unbridled power rumbling beneath the hood of Z’s mother’s Dodge Charger. Maybe I subconsciously loathed myself and my excessive geek-prowess, hoping for self destruction. Maybe I was just drunk. In any case, the speed of the car coupled with a patch of wet grass to produce a fishtailing action from the rear half of the vehicle that was stopped only by the unwanted and massive intervention of a nearby tree.

As I mourned the damage and dreaded the undeniably justified reaction of the mighty Z, Darth went back to the fairgrounds to get the others. After what seemed an eternity (time slows for the guilty), a car pulled up with a spotlight shining blindingly in my face. Background note: at college Darth drove a previously-owned law enforcement vehicle for his daily commute, equipped with several of the special features that only cop cars have – a spotlight attached to the driver-side door being one of these. As this large, white towncar pulled up to me with a spotlight in my face, I was less than amused. My delicate psyche, already tormented by the evening’s unfortunate events, was in no mood for Darth’s tomfoolery. I grabbed the spotlight and angrily pushed it away, coincident with a few choice words expressing my extreme dismay and displeasure at Darth’s behavior.

You can imagine my consternation when a deep voice I didn’t recognize politely but firmly said “Sir, please let go of the light.” As my eyes adjusted to the darkness that I was sure would engulf me evermore, I noticed the uniform of the driver and the not-painted-over word POLICE on the side of the car. Damn.

In times of crises, a man acts on instinct. Millions of years of evolution have programmed our unconscious to respond to danger with natural impulses that hark back to our animal origins. I groveled. Much apologizing and promising that I would in no way be driving that night lead to the eventual departure of my blue-clad protector, just as the gang arrived and my real trial began.

That is my story, still fresh in my mind a quarter of a century later. Despite the bad ending, it was an important night for me – the lessons learned have never been forgotten. I have never since chanced driving while under the influence of the devil’s drink. However, twenty-five years of good driving and responsible drinking later, I still have no desire to go to another Indiana chicken-dancing, beer-bucketing, car-sliding Oktoberfest celebration. Call me strange.

My Indiana Honeymoon is Officially Over

When I moved to South Bend, Indiana from Austin in the middle of August, I couldn’t have been happier with the weather consequences. Escaping the brutal heat of an Austin summer for the cool nights and warm, sunny days of bucolic “Michiana” was pleasant, to say the least. But in the back of my mind, I knew that the joys of mild temperatures wouldn’t last.

My Indiana honeymoon of weather is now officially over, and much sooner than I expected. It snowed last night. A light dusting to be sure, but still on the ground when I awoke this morning. And it’s not even the middle of October! The novelty of it wore off about 30 seconds into the dog walk, and I remembered why I have been enduring 16 years of Texas summers without complaint (well, not much complaint anyway). At least my apartment has a garage – scraping the windshield with a credit card would have been too much for this Texan to bare.

We’re Still Not Safe

That was the headline I saw on the front page of a newspaper on Sunday, part of the build-up to the five year anniversary of 9/11. Reading the article, I realized that I don’t know what it means to be ‘safe’, as in the thing we are still not. Does it mean zero risk? If so, we have never been and never will be safe. Does it mean we still don’t ‘feel’ safe? That’s an interesting question for a therapist, but given the irrationality of most people’s fears I don’t think it has a whole lot to do with actually being safe. So what does it mean to be safe, and in particular safe from terrorism?

I thought about this question a lot a couple of years ago when I was traveling frequently to Israel. People would ask me if it was ‘safe’ to go there, given the suicide bombings and such. My response was always the same: have you ever seen the way Israelis drive? The probability of dying in a car accident over there is far, far greater than the chance of being the victim of a terrorist. Interestingly, that would almost always calm my worried friends down. It seems that traffic deaths are, well, too pedestrian to get all worked up about.

So let’s try out the same tactic on America. In the last five years about 3,000 Americans were killed by terrorists. And if you believe our President, the chances of another terrorist attack like 9/11 are lower today than five years ago. Now during that same five year period, over 200,000 Americans died in car accidents. A simple analysis of these statistics shows that the average American is about 100 times more likely to die in a car accident than a terrorist attack.

So are we safe? No, but terrorism is way down on the list of things we are not safe from. If saving American lives was the real issue, we’d be focusing on car safety rather than car bombs. But the anti-terrorism campaign has never been about saving American lives. It’s about trying to eliminate one class of US fatality – death by terrorist. I guess it really is about feeling safe rather than being safe after all.

Those who can’t…

Those who can’t do, teach. I’ve never liked that old saying, mostly because I like to teach (and flatter myself that I’m pretty good at it). I’m teaching now at Notre Dame, but am also immersed in finishing my textbook, Fundamental Principles of Optical Lithography. I guess a corollary to that old saying might be “those who can’t do, write.” I guess I don’t like that saying much either, but a slightly changed version is most certainly true: “Those who write can’t do.” I can attest to the truth of this statement for one simple reason – writing a book is all consuming. If you really pour yourself into writing, you just don’t have anything much left over to do anything. At least that is the way it is for me. I hope to be finished by the end of the year (already 5 months past my deadline!), so until then I doubt I will get much done, including all the interesting articles I am planning for my web page. Ah well.

BTW, for all the lithographers out there who are reading this, what do you want most out of a lithography textbook? Give me a shout.

The Drive to Indiana

I am slowly settling in the South Bend, Indiana – classes at Notre Dame start on Tuesday. While driving up with my dog (my wife and daughter flew up a few days later), I learned a few lessons about cross-country trips – something I hadn’t done since my college days.
* Cell phone coverage in Arkansas sucks – avoid long phone calls while driving there
* The price of gas in Illinois is 5% higher than in neighboring states (why?)
* Never name your dog anything that rhymes with “no” (a lesson taught to me by my friend in Pana, Ill whose disobedient dog is named Mo)
* The only place in America where you can’t get a Starbucks coffee is Pana, Illinois
* Lowell, Indiana is a very beautiful little town
* Even an old guy like me can do a long road trip – provided he has a comfortable seat, cruise control, and a long audio book (thanks, William)

Some cool sites

Here are a couple of cool site that I have enjoyed for a while or just discovered.

When I was in college, my favorite reading was the Journal of Improbable Research. While this magazine went through several iterations, editors and sponsors, it is now called the Annals of Improbable Research (AIR). While the journal is not on-line, they do have a website with some really interesting stuff, including information on the Ig Nobel prize.

One of my regular blog readers sent me this (I guess I’m assuming that I have more than one regular reader, though I have no proof). It’s a site dedicated to the mid-seventeenth century Jesuit polymath named Athanasius Kircher, a guy who studied everything and wrote down everything he learned in massive encyclopedic works. His life’s work was “chronology”, creating a complete list of human events throughout the entire history of the world. The current blog on their site describes the world’s longest running experiments. Cool stuff.