Franco Cerrina dies at age 62

Franco Cerrina

Like many lithographers who have been at this business for a while, I frequently ran into Franco Cerrina, longtime professor at the University of Wisconsin, at conferences (mostly the 3-beam conferences). He was friendly, smart, hard working, and one was always glad to see him and for the chance to talk to him. He worked for many years on X-ray lithography, and has more recently applied himself to using nanofabrication techniques in biology. I recently reread some of his line-edge roughness papers, since he and his students did some of the early work in that area. He moved to Boston University last year to head up the EE department. Since I am spending the summer working in Boston, I had planned to call him up to visit him, to see what he was up to. It came as a shock to learn that he died in a photonics lab at BU on Monday. He was 62, rode his bike in to work every day, and apparently was in good health. More details can be found at:

He will be missed by the lithography community.

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