Celebrating Long Life

Yesterday I learned that my neighbor, Carroll McPherson, died. He was 101 and a half. When you are very young and very old, you get to count by half years. He died in his bed, surrounded by his family, in the home he has lived in since 1942. He was ready to die, at peace and waiting for death for the last year or so, though his body clung to the habit of life. I want to be like Carroll.

I’m sorry that I was not there to say the last goodbye, and to help his wife Martha and the rest of his family like our other neighbors did. I’m visiting my wife’s grandfather Ben in Washington to celebrate his 90th birthday. Like Carroll, Ben has lived a healthy and happy life, and just seems to keep on going. I want to be like Ben.

Tomorrow is the big birthday party, and when we are done toasting Ben, I’ll give a small toast to Carroll as well. The cycle of life can be beautiful even in death.

One thought on “Celebrating Long Life”

  1. Born, you cried and they are laughing;
    Die, you smiled but they are crying.
    Yes,it is the beauty of the "cycle of life"

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