Deriving the Tesla Roadster

The Tesla Roadster is just about the coolest car on the planet. Starting with the body of a Lotus Elise, Tesla adds an electric engine and a bunch of laptop batteries to create fabulous style, amazing speed, and a perfectly green image. What more could a car buff want?

OK, one could hope for a slightly lower price. But I have a separate problem. I already own a Lotus Elise (since 2005, the first year it was available in the US), and I am attached to it. I still need a family car, since the kids aren’t old enough to ride in the Elise, and I am still a believer in electric vehicles as the future of personal transportation (with that future starting now).

As such, circumstances have created a workable compromise. Last week I bought a Nissan Leaf – an all-electric vehicle. I love it. And with the purchase I was able to derive the following equation:

1 Lotus Elise + 1 Nissan Leaf + $20K = 1 Tesla Roadster

The numbers don’t lie.

One thought on “Deriving the Tesla Roadster”

  1. Sweet. I like the balance above where you keep the $20K. Gasoline cars of the mid 70s (think El Camino) seem to have fire safety on similar order as some electric cars these days. That will be a concern in addition to cost for me for a while.

    Perhaps I am mistaken but I recall some sort of bet related to EUV that would put you on the receiving end of a sports car (Tesla?) if EUV was not in production by 20xx date (xx~15?) How is that looking? Production means chips for sale right?

    Thanks again for the excellent blog. I always get a little thrill when I see you pop up on my RSS!

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