Talk to the Hand

I was walking down a long, straight road in Singapore when I found myself behind a young couple. They were probably returning home from some errand, packages were in hand. I was close enough to hear their silence. My mind almost began its usual random wonder when I noticed her hand. It was talking. As she strode in silence alongside her companion the outer calm was disturbed by an inner conversation, played out by her hand. First, the palm went out, her arm twisting forward, looking for empathy. “Do you understand? Do you see what I’m saying?” A pause. Then two flicks of the wrist and the fingers spread – she had made her point. The fingers curled back up into a loose fist. Within a few steps the arm began a slow back-and-forth rotation, palm forward and then backward with fingers down as she weighed the imagined response. Truth was not manifest, making the process of conversational discovery all the more important.

Suddenly, he said something to her. Imminently practical, no doubt. “How was your day?”, or “What should we fix for dinner?” Her hand went limp by her side as she turned to him and re-entered his world.

2 thoughts on “Talk to the Hand”

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