I’m new to the blogging business, but as far as I know there are no blogs on semiconductor microlithography. Maybe there is a reason for that. Maybe no one needs or wants a blog on lithography. But maybe the time is right. We’ll see. In any case, this is the launch of my litho blog. Just in time for the biggest litho conference of the year, the SPIE Microlithography Symposium, February 19-24.
So here is my plan. At the end of each day of the conference, I’ll write a blog on what I think about what happened that day. Assuming that my brain is still functioning adequately to do so after a full day of technical papers. In any case, I hope to have something insightful to say, or at least something entertaining. If you’re interested, tune in.
Well, how about a discussion about conference economics. Registration ($600 times 200o people) plus supplier entertainment, plus trade show costs, plus hotel costs, plus travel costs, etc. Net ecomic impact is tens of millions of dollars. Is it worth it?
"Assuming that my brain is still functioning adequately to do so after a full day of technical papers and a full evening of extracurricular activities."
Fixed it for you 🙂
Welcome to Journalism!
Is any of this going to be copyrighted? If not….